What is an ULM or Ultralight?
A ULM (ultra light motorised) or Ultralight is according to EASA Basic Regulation 2018/1139 an aircraft with max 2 occupants on board and the following specfications:
- Landingspeed or “Stall-Speed” max 65 km/h
- Max takeoff weight (aircraft; passengers, fuel and luggage)
- 300 kg for a 1 seater ultralight (315 kg when equipped with rescue parachute)
- 450 kg for a 2 seater ultralight (475 kg when equipped with rescue parachute)
- 600 kg for a 2 seater gyro-copter
Classes of Ultralights
2 or 3 axis ULM

These Ultralights fly just like other normal airplanes but are often faster, more modern and often equipped with a full-airframe rescue parachute on board.
Delta Plane (DPM)

The cockpit of these aircraft gives a special flying experience! These type of ultralights are often a cheaper start into flying!

An autogyro does not haven driven blades like a standard helicopter and can therefor not hover in the air. But these gyro’s are very manouverable and offer a lot of flying fun! Not allowed in Belgium for the moment.
Ultra Light Helicopter

A helicopter but in lightweight version! Not allowed in Belgium for the moment.
De basis eigenschappen van een ULM worden gespecifieerd in Annex 1 van de EASA Basic Regulation van 22.08.2018. Alle luchtvaarttuigen die in Annex 1 worden vermeld, vallen niet onder de bevoegdheid van EASA en zijn daardoor nationaal geregeld. De wetgeving rond ULM is daardoor licht verschillend per land. De Belgische wetgeving rond ULM is te vinden in het KB van 25 mei 1999.
To register an Ultralight in Belgium, the following steps must be taken:
- The manufacturer or his dealer must apply for a Type Authorisation. If the application file is approved, the type of aircraft is added to the list of authorised ultralights in Belgium.
- The buyer of an ultralight from this list of apporved type must then apply for a certificate of conformity from the manufacturer or dealer. A weighing report from a by the Belgian CAA authorised organisation is required for this certificate of conformity.
- With this certificate of conformity and some other documents, the aircraft can be registered in Belgium. The owner will receive the registration certificate and the Limited Authorisation to Airtraffic. (BTLV or ARCA).
- A Belgian postaladdress is required for the registration of an aircraft in Belgium!
For all BULMF members, individual accident cover is provided as standard (included in the membership fee). If you have attended a refreshment course, you will have higher insurance limits. An overview of the limits can be found in the table below. If required, we can also provide an individual quote for higher limits on request. For all BULMF members, legal expenses cover is also provided as standard (included in the membership fee).
Without yearly refreshment course | € 6.500 | € 6.500 | € 2.500 |
With yearly refreshment course | € 10.000 | € 10.000 | € 2.500 |
Civil liability for ULM aircraft
The table below lists the various premiums (including taxes) applicable this year. Combined BA insurance is offered for two-seaters. This insurance therefore covers both damage to passengers and third parties not transported.
Limit | Without Parachute | With parachute | ||||
Single pilot | Any piloot | Single piloot | Any piloot | |||
Civil liability non-transported third party | One seater | € 1.000.000 | € 150 | € 225 | € 150 | € 225 |
Combined civil liability | Two seater | € 1.600.000 | € 410 | € 760 | € 370 | € 720 |
Type Authorisation
The manufacturer or its representative may compile a file to obtain a type approval for a particular ULM model. A type approval must be requested per variant of a model. A variant is per engine type and with or without a parachute.
A complete file for a type approval consists of:
- A power of attorney from the manufacturer if the application is through a representative
- Technical data sheet per variant (see CIR/AIRW-12)
- Flight Manual
- Maintenance Manual
- Parachute manual (if installed).
- Report of strength calculations
- Report of static load test
- Report of in-flight tests (e.g. stall speed)
- Noise measurement according to Belgian standard (alternative is German Kennblatt)
The complete file must first be sent to BULMF for inspection. The latter then forwards it to DGLV.
Member Benefits
The membership fee includes individual accident insurance and legal expenses insurance.
Safety Day
Flying should be safe! Once a year, you get the chance to practice emergency landings with engine out safely on our Safety Day, under the guidance of experienced instructors.
Stay up-to-date with the latest news within the world of flying with info on changes in legislation or through interesting posts on flying topics.
Members can avail of various services: licence renewal assistance, aircraft registration, type authorisation applications.