Navigation to OLD WARDEN

Dec 28, 2023 | Active News

Do you remember Duxford, July 2017? 7 years later, we go back to the UK!

WHERE?Old Warden (EGTH), Shuttleworth, UK.

WHAT? Navigation to OLD WARDEN (EGTH), and ticket to the Summer Evening Airshow (Shuttleworth).

WHEN? 19 – 21 July 2024. Airshow on the 20th of July.

WHO? Open to all enthusiastic and BULMF-affiliated pilots, with or without co-pilot/passenger; pilot students with their flight instructor; …

HOW? Organized by the BULMF. Call for registration will be sent in January 2024. Link to detailed flight book below.

Possibly, additional bus-trip for companions: depending on the number of potential participants. Important: let us know if you are interested.

Estimated budget (fuel excluded) : 320€ per person for a crew of 2; 350€ for a pilot single; tbd € for the bus tour per person. Double room for everyone.

And react without delay, maximum 40 participating aircrafts!

Update 19.02.2024

Only 4 remaining places for this navigation to Old Warden (4 crews by ultralight)